The Challenges
There are a number of areas around the Eagle Mountain-Saginaw School District where roads and sidewalks have not been expanded or improved to accommodate the significant growth we are experiencing. Our roads and accompanying safety features are simply not adequate to serve our growing population.
Infrastructure Deficiencies
There are several issues preventing safe connections in Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD.
Potential Zoning Changes
As zoning changes are brought forth that impact Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD, we will be sharing the change information as well as the District’s response on said change.
Tell me more
A large number of the infrastructure deficiencies in Eagle Mountain-Saginaw (EMS) ISD fall within the City of Fort Worth’s jurisdiction. EMS ISD desires to partner with the City of Fort Worth and its elected officials to address these needs.
The City of Fort Worth has limited bond funds to address roads across the entire city and has added some of the major areas of concern in their May bond proposal, but there is more work to do.
The majority of EMS ISD families live in the Fort Worth city limits and deserve dedicated management and focus from the city leaders. This means safe access to schools, neighborhoods, churches, city resources and other places where they convene near their homes. EMS ISD is the second-fastest growing school district in Tarrant County. The safe passageway deficiencies that exist today will only multiply as new schools are built to accommodate the growth and as new families move into this rapidly-growing area of North Fort Worth and surrounding municipalities. As parents, and taxpayers, we expect well-planned streets and sidewalks to our children and families safe. We expect stoplights, crosswalks, lighting and effective drainage systems to ensure safety and connectivity for all.
It’s important to note that each project will require more than a plan. It will take collaboration, adequate funding, and precise execution. If not done correctly, it could result in a negative situation. One example of this is Cromwell-Marine Creek Road. By not including sidewalks, that project has negatively affected approximately 5,000 students across five campuses in EMS ISD. We hope to revive conversations that will lead to a network of safe passageways for students and families who live, learn, and work in the Fort Worth, Saginaw, Tarrant County, Blue Mound, and EMS ISD communities.
The City of Fort Worth staff presented results from the Transportation Impact Fee Study on Sept. 7. Click below to review this study and see ways you can be involved in this discussion.

Safe Route Deficiencies in EMS ISD
We span 73 square miles in the Northwest corner of Tarrant County. The district serves Saginaw, Blue Mound, portions of the City of Fort Worth, and unincorporated Tarrant County.
22,400 students
29 schools
40,000+ students
30+ schools